学校法人盈進学園 盈進中学高等学校

ホーム最新情報Whole Day English


Whole Day English


12月23日(金)、1年生希望者51名によるWhole Day Englishが行われました。週末の25日のクリスマスの日に合わせて、今回のテーマを「クリスマス」にしました。

Singing Timeでは、McCartney先生と一緒にクリスマスの日に流れる曲を英語で楽しく歌いました。Cooking Timeでは、Baumkuchenに生クリームを添え、たくさんのお菓子でトッピングした「オリジナルクリスマスデザート」を作りました。自分で作ったデザートを美味しそうに食べる姿がとても印象的でした。Art TimeではNguyen先生と「クリスマスリース作り」に挑戦し、サンプルを見ながら、何とかクリスマス当日までにリースを完成させることができました。また、「クリスマスプレゼント交換」を行い、最後は参加した生徒一人ひとりに「お菓子の詰め合わせ」のサプライズもありました。色々な英語の先生方や学年の仲間と「英語」を使ってコミュニケーションをとることに挑戦できた1日でした!



  1. 英語学習における、あなたの目標は何ですか? – What is your goal in learning English?
  2. 英語を話せるようになり、医師として海外で活動したいと思っています。
  3. 中学校卒業時までに、英検2級を取得すること。
  4. I want to get English test 100 score!



■ 今日は英語だけだと聞いて、とても心配でしたが、いざ始まると、とても楽しかったです!

■ 英語は苦手だったけど、楽しめて良かった。このような機会はなかなかないので、今日の思い出を大切にしたいと思った。

■ Today was a very good day.  I joined the first English event, so I’ll use English!


As the days get shorter, the second school trimester comes to a close and students go into their well-earned winter break, Eishin holds its annual 1st grade ‘A Whole Day of English’. Similar to the 2nd grade ‘A Whole Day of English’ held earlier this year, students voluntarily participated in the event.
Befitting the season, this edition of ‘A Whole Day of English’ focused on festive activities relating to Christmas. Students separated into two smaller groups before moving off to complete different activities throughout the morning.

First, students sang a Christmas song. Of course, the song was in English so students needed to practice before being able to complete the whole song as a group. Initially, students were shy and not confident but as time passed, their voices became louder and more confident. The finished product was great to see.

Students then proceeded to the art room to create their own wreaths. It was a little more difficult than expected and required a little bit of finesse. In the end, students managed to finish their tree ornaments just in time for Christmas.

Following, students decorated their own Baumkuchen cakes with whipped cream and other delicious candy and treats. The final product was sure to give a sugar high to all who dared to eat their creations.

Christmas is the season for giving so no Christmas event is complete without presents.

To finish the event off, each student brought a present for the Christmas present exchange.

As mentioned earlier, events like ‘A Whole Day of English’ are non-compulsory. We hope that the students who do decide to participate are genuinely interested in English and use the opportunities provided to them to improve their English ability.

A thanks to all involved, students and teachers alike. See you again next year!
